Is All-Day Dining Worth the Cost? - FUN Food Blog (2024)

For those of us with season passes, we find the All-Season dining plan to be a spectacular value considering we can eat twice per day at all of the Cedar Fair parks with our Platinum passes. A guest previously wrote in and asked what the break even point on the All-Season dining plan was, and whether we thought it was worth the investment.

For our complete analysis of the All-Season dining plans, visit our post, Is All-Season Dining Worth the Cost?

Today Colleen writes in and asks, “What’s your opinion on value of the All-Day food pass? I have four adults and two five year olds to feed for two days.

All-Day dining plans are currently $31.99 and allow a guest to eat every 90 minutes. Drinks are not included. There is also a Premium All-Day dining plan for $44.99 that includes an entrée + side or snack option + all-day drink.

Review the latest Cedar Point dining plans options for reference. For all other park dining plans, review our Cedar Fair park food guides.

After purchasing an All-Day dining plan, you take the voucher to any food stand in the park and they will give the guest a wristband for use throughout the day.

Depending on where you eat throughout the day, meals can vary in size from just enough to feed one person, to more than enough to share. We do not recommend getting an All-Day meal plan for every guest in your party, as eating every 90 minutes provides plenty of opportunities to share. The only stipulation is the guest with the wristband has to order the food.

For simplicity purposes, an entrée with side costs roughly $15-18.00 with a drink costing around another $5.00. Therefore, your break even point is approximately 3 meals with the All-Day dining plan. Given one can eat every 90 minutes, that provides a lot of opportunity to get value out of the dining plans.

Before we had All-Season dining plans, we would get the All-Day dining plans to share among 4 of us (Our kids were little and our fifth child was a baby at the time). Eating every 90 minutes provided plenty of opportunity to continually keep mouths fed, even if sometimes it was only a bite or two per person. We would let the kids eat the first meal (or two) and 90 minutes later the adults shared a meal. By the third 90 minutes, the kids may be hungry again.

Assuming you get your first meal around 11:00 am, that provides a second meal at 12:30, third at 2:00, fourth at 3:30, and you will be rolling out of the park with a fifth meal by 5:00…and you still have till closing to enjoy the plan.

Tip: Make sure to scan your wristband as soon as possible, and ask if you can scan it when you order your food at sit down restaurants instead of at the end of the meal when they bring your check. This starts the 90 minute clock for your next meal. If you wait to scan till the end of your sit down meal, you delay the 90 minute wait between meals.

Keep in mind, if packing a couple peanut butter and jelly or lunch meat sandwiches in a cooler along with snacks and drinks is more than adequate to keep you full throughout the day, go ahead and bring them along. However, you will have to leave the cooler in your vehicle (or at the picnic pavilions). Make sure to get your hand stamped so you can get back into the park. However, realize time is wasted in the process of walking back to the car, eating, then walking back in. Within that hour, you could have rode your favorite coaster.

For us and countless others, the dining plans have provided a great opportunity to keep guests in the park to eat the food and ride.

In Summary

Generally speaking, we think the All-Day and All-Season dining plans provide a great value for guests so long as you plan on utilizing them. The guest needs to determine how much food they typically would eat in a visit. If you can share meals and make do with the time constraints between servings, there provides plenty of opportunity to get value out of the system.

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Is All-Day Dining Worth the Cost? - FUN Food Blog (2024)


How much is Disney's quick service dining plan? ›

Finally, the refillable mug that you'll receive can be refilled at self-service beverage stations in Walt Disney World Resort hotels. The cost for the Quick-Service Dining Plan depends on your age: Adults: $57.01 per day. Children (ages 3 to 9): $28.83 per day.

What is the meaning of food planning? ›

Is the action of deciding meals in advance using your schedule, preferences, foods on hand, seasonal produce, sale items, etc. Consequently, meal planning usually leads to grocery shopping once a week, for only the items needed and having others (e.g. family) involved in creating the menu.

Why is it important to plan your food? ›

Planning your own meals will allow you to see how much you're actually eating. This also prevents you from overeating at restaurants, which tend to serve a way bigger portion than you should actually be eating.

Does meal planning work? ›

Some people require only a little education and guidance, aided by a meal guide, and they are well on their way to reaching their goals in a sustainable way. So do meal plans work for these people? More often than not, yes. For others, however, things are more complicated.

How much does an average person spend on food at Disney? ›

Disney World Food Prices

At Walt Disney World, it's not uncommon to spend $50 per day, per person on food. And for a family of 4, that adds up to $200 per day. Multiply that by a 7-day stay at Walt Disney World, and you've got… a lot of money missing from your wallet.

How much to eat at Disney World per day? ›

I did the math and prices may vary but at this time the Adult Quick-Service Dining Plan per day will be $57.01. The cost for kids between the ages of 3 to 9 will be $23.83. Of course, kids under the age of 3 are "free" and can enjoy food off the plates of their favorite grown-ups.

What are the 5 principles of meal planning? ›

There are five principles of meal planning – Adequacy, Balance, Variety, Moderation and Nourishment. By adequacy, we mean eating enough to support our bodies through day-to-day activities like school and work, and we're giving ourselves fuel to support physical activity.

What are the 5 basic steps of meal planning? ›

5 Steps to Plan Your Meals
  • Determine your goal. First things first, you want to determine your goal. ...
  • Calculate your daily energy needs. Next you'll need to calculate your daily energy needs. ...
  • Divide daily energy (calorie) needs into meals and snacks. ...
  • Write down your meals for the week or next few days. ...
  • Go food shopping.
Sep 6, 2019

What is the main objective of meal planning? ›

Meal planning is important for meeting the nutritional requirements of the family members. It helps us to decide what to eat each day and in each meal.

What are the 4 types of meal service? ›

Pre-plated, Cafeteria, Family and Combination Style.

What are five basic food groups? ›

As the MyPlate icon shows, the five food groups are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, and Dairy. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasizes the importance of an overall healthy eating pattern with all five groups as key building blocks, plus oils.

Does meal planning save money? ›

1 High prices make it more difficult for many people to afford nutritious and tasty foods. In addition to looking for items on sale, you can save money on foods by reducing food waste and cooking in batches. Planning ahead before you go grocery shopping can also help you save money.

What should be avoided in planning meals? ›

The 7 Most Common Mistakes People Make When Meal Planning
  • Mistake #1: Leaving everything for the last minute. ...
  • Mistake #2: Taking on too much. ...
  • Mistake #3: Having a disorganized shopping list. ...
  • Mistake #4: Selecting overly ambitious recipes. ...
  • Mistake #5: Not planning for enough food.

How do you realistically plan a meal? ›

Plan Your Weekly Meals
  1. See what you already have. Look in your freezer, cabinets, and refrigerator. ...
  2. Write down your meals. ...
  3. Write down recipes to try. ...
  4. Think about your time. ...
  5. Plan to use leftovers. ...
  6. Make a grocery list. ...
  7. Build your shopping list as you go. ...
  8. Buy a mix of fresh, frozen, and self-stable items.

Why is it so hard to meal plan? ›

It can be time consuming. You have to figure out what you're going to make, go grocery shopping, and then actually cook the food. Another reason meal planning is so hard is that it can be difficult to stick to a plan when life gets busy. It can also be expensive.

How much is the new Disney Dining Plan 2024? ›

To answer your question, prices for the Disney Dining Plan for your December 2024 visit are $94.28 per adult (ages 10 and up) per day and $29.69 per child (ages 3 - 9) per day.

How much is fast passes for Disney? ›

We have seen the cost of this new version of Disney FastPass vary from $15-$29 per person per day. Typically the price is closer to the $15 amount rather than the $29 amount which really only has been seen on big holidays.

What is the difference between quick service and table service at Disney? ›

At Walt Disney World a quick service restaurant is one where you order at a counter and take your food to a table. A sit down place where a server takes your order is a table service restaurant. You may walk into a quick service one but advance reservations are needed for table service eateries.

How much is the Disney Dining Plan 2025? ›

2025 Dining Plan Costs? The Standard Plan is $97.70/night for adults and $30.78/night for kids. The Quick Service Plan is $59.14/night for adults and $24.70/night for kids.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.