Why you get butterflies in your stomach, and how to calm them — Calm Blog (2024)


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Why you get butterflies in your stomach, and how to calm them — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Butterflies in your stomach can be caused by stress and anxiety. These techniques can help ease a nervous stomach and get rid of that fluttering feeling.

We've all felt that funny feeling in our stomachs before giving a speech or going on a date. And while you may be familiar with the term “butterflies in your stomach,” you may be wondering what causes this feeling. Discover what it means when you get butterflies in your stomach, the science behind the sensation, and actionable techniques to calm and manage those fluttering feelings.

What it means to have butterflies in the stomach

“Butterflies in your stomach" describes the nervous energy in your belly before or during situations where you might feel anxious or excited. While it might feel like an odd sensation, it's a completely natural reaction to that nervous energy. Although there are many things that could trigger these feelings, below are some of the most common causes.

  1. Stress or anxiety: When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, your body sometimes reacts to help you cope. This reaction can lead to the fluttering feeling of butterflies in your stomach.

  2. Excitement or expectation: Sometimes, exciting or new experiences can cause this fluttering sensation. It's your body’s way of responding to the thrill or anticipation of what’s to come.

  3. Hormonal fluctuations: Our hormones have a role to play in almost every function of our body, including how we feel emotionally. Sometimes, hormonal changes can trigger that fluttering feeling, too.

Where does the saying "butterflies in your stomach" come from?"

The first recorded use of the phrase “butterflies in the stomach” can be traced back to the early 1900s, with the idea that the fluttering feeling resembles the delicate, yet erratic, movements of butterflies. While of course there’s no actual butterflies flying around inside of the stomach, the sensation is often categorized by a fluttery or tingling feeling in the abdominal region.

Although the sensations can vary from person to person, most people sense gentle, yet noticeable movements, or flutters, within the pit of your stomach. Besides that fluttering feeling, butterflies in your stomach can also come with other physical and emotional signs including:

  • Increased heart rate

  • Shaking or trembling

  • Feeling nervous or anxious

  • Sweaty hands

  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

  • Shortness of breath

Each of these signs is typically your body's response to stress, excitement, or other strong emotions. And even though it may feel strange, having butterflies in your stomach is a natural way your body reacts to certain situations.

What causes butterflies in the stomach?

Now that we know the role stress, excitement, and hormones play in causing the fluttering feeling, let’s take it a step further.

Fight-or-flight response: Your body’s ancient survival mechanism prepares you to either face the challenge (fight) or run away to safety (flight) by directing blood away from the stomach and toward the parts of the body that might need it.

Emotions and your gut: Your emotions can be closely tied to your gut, so the way you feel emotionally might affect the way your stomach feels and behaves.

9 ways to settle that fluttering feeling when you get butterflies in your stomach

Feeling butterflies in your stomach can be unsettling. But there are ways to reframe the experience, or to help settle that fluttering feeling and bring yourself some peace. Each of these strategies provides a way to manage and calm the sensation of butterflies in your stomach. They’re simple, actionable, and can help make that fluttering feeling a bit more manageable. So, next time the butterflies start to flutter, you’ll have a toolkit of techniques readily available to try and settle them down.

1. Shake off the butterflies with some movement

Get moving to release some of that nervous energy. A quick walk or a few jumping jacks can work wonders by resetting your nervous system.

💙 Release tension at night with this Evening Wind-Down practice to rid your body and mind of excess energy before bed.

2. Breathe into it

Practice deep breathing to calm your nerves. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth.

💙 Rest in the power of breathwork and Reset With the Breath when you need a pick-me-up.

3. Settle nervous energy using grounding techniques

If you’re feeling butterflies in your stomach, try grounding techniques to bring your focus back to the present moment. Feel your feet on the ground and notice the sensations around you.

💙 Slow the Swirl in Your Mind to combat the negative spiral in this 2-minute grounding exercise.

4. Encourage physical release with progressive muscle relaxation

Try progressive muscle relaxation. Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, one at a time. This subtle technique can be used in the moment to help with social anxiety if your butterflies are caused by events or situations involving other people.

💙 Notice how your body feels by practicing a Body Scan meditation, incorporating progressive muscle relaxation as you move from your head to your toes.

5. Use a journal to process your emotions

Write down your feelings in a feelings journal to help you understand and process what you’re going through. Getting your thoughts out on paper may feel cathartic as you’re able to express and articulate your emotions in a tangible and concrete form. This could help ease some of those butterflies.

💙 Discover Hidden Emotions through writing them down and get one step closer to discovering your true feelings.

6. Try a calming meditation

If your stomach is fluttering with nerves, meditation can bring a sense of calm and clarity. Try focusing on your breath and witness your thoughts float away.

💙 Come back to center and Refresh the Mind to take space from reactive thoughts and bring clarity to your day.

7. Practice accepting or reframing your anxious energy

Try accepting the feelings you have, whether it’s anxiety or typical nervousness. It's natural to feel butterflies, so acknowledge them and let them flutter by. In other instances, you can try reframing the experience in your mind. For example, if you’re feeling nervous for a bit trip coming up, you might try viewing this through the lens of excitement. Not all nerve-wracking moments have a silver lining, but if you can find one it may help calm those nerves.

💙 Give yourself the opportunity to practice Acceptance of self, especially challenging feelings like anxiety.

8. Repeat positive affirmations

If you’re feeling anxious, try using positive affirmations to boost your confidence. By doing so, you may reinforce the belief that you’re capable and strong.

💙 Try a Self-Nurturing mantra to repeat to yourself throughout the day that makes you feel loved and cared for. Something like, “I am strong,” or, “I am loved,” is a good place to start.

9. Share your experiences with a friend

Share your feelings with a trusted friend. Sometimes, just talking about what’s making you nervous can help ease the butterflies. If this feels too vulnerable, pouring your worries into a journal is the next best thing.

Butterflies in your stomach FAQs

Is butterflies in my stomach a good thing?

Feeling butterflies in your stomach can be a good thing at times. They often show up when you're excited or anticipating something new. It's a natural part of your body's reaction to certain situations, and can signal that you're stepping out of your comfort zone—which can be a positive step toward growth.

Does butterflies in the stomach mean anxiety?

Sometimes a fluttering feeling in your stomach can be a sign of anxiety, especially if it comes with other symptoms like a racing heart or sweaty palms. It's your body's way of responding to a stressful or worrying situation. However, not every flutter points to anxiety—it could also be excitement or anticipation.

Is feeling butterflies a red flag?

Feeling butterflies is a pretty common reaction to both exciting and nerve-wracking situations, so it’s not necessarily a red flag—think of it as more of a signal from your body. However, if you find that this feeling interferes with your life or causes distress, it might be worth exploring further with a healthcare professional.

Do butterflies mean love or anxiety?

Love and anxiety can both cause a fluttering feeling in your stomach, so sometimes it can be hard to tell them apart. If the fluttering feeling comes with happy thoughts about someone special, it might indicate a feeling of love, emotional connection, or intimacy. But if it's accompanied by worry or fear, it could be anxiety. Consider the context and your other feelings to get a clue.

What emotions cause butterflies?

Various emotions can lead to that fluttering sensation known as butterflies in the stomach. Common emotions include excitement, nervousness, fear, and anticipation. It's all about how your body reacts to these feelings, and every person might experience them a bit differently.

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Why you get butterflies in your stomach, and how to calm them — Calm Blog (10)Why you get butterflies in your stomach, and how to calm them — Calm Blog (11)

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What do you find difficult about sleep?

Falling asleepStaying asleepRestless sleepWaking upSomething else
`; // Replace with actual HTML content var snippetHTML2 = `

How does stress show up for you?

AnxietyOverwhelmIrritationAvoidanceAll or none of the above
`; // Replace with actual HTML content var snippetHTML3 = `

How often do you meditate?

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.