Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (2024)

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (1)

If you’ve downloaded our 7-day flat belly clean eating diet plan you’ll know we cut carbs from either lunch or dinner. Within this diet plan, we tend to stick to fish and poultry as our primary protein source. In our last post, we gave you seven chicken recipes for faster fat loss.

Here we’ve found seven salmon recipes to keep your palet excited. Salmon has long been rated as one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and is one of the better fish options to choose from with many benefits.

The many benefits of salmon

1. High Quality Protein

It is super high in quality protein with over 20g of protein per 100g which is essential for muscle growth and repair during weight loss.

2. Rich in Omega 3 oils

Salmon is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids which are important for lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation and more specifically, helping to metabolize old fats within the body.

3. Rich in B Vitamins

Something you may not have known about salmon is that it’s actually very high in many B Vitamins which are responsible for several roles within the body such as metabolizing food into energy, creating and repairing DNA and reducing inflammation.

As you can see there are many benefits to eating salmon especially when you are trying to lose weight. We wanted to find seven quick, easy, and simple low-carb salmon recipes to aid in your weight loss and here they are.

1. Garlic parmesan Crusted Salmon and Asparagus

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (2)

If you’ve tried and liked the parmesan chicken you’ll enjoy these. Parmesan makes everything taste better. It goes well with the asparagus all baked in one pan. Its dead easy to prepare and cook. 10 minutes to prep and cook in just 20 minutes. Great weeknight dinner.

The recipe uses three large fillets of salmon at about 200g each which is a lot. Typically 130-150g would be enough. If you follow the recipe provided stretch the serving size from 3 to 4 or 5. You may need to add more veg.

Get the recipe here.

2. Sheet pan Teriyaki Salmon

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (3)

Here is another pan recipe for a quick mess-free dinner. Are you a fan of teriyaki? Well, you’ll enjoy trying this one. It has plenty of veg all thrown onto a pan and baked in just 20 minutes. The recipe has the ideal amount of protein at 31g but is low in calories at just 240 calories. You’d probably want to increase your serving size slightly of either the vegetables or salmon.

Get the recipe here.

3. Salmon Greek Salad with Lemon and Basil Dressing

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (4)

This is a beautiful-looking meal vibrant in color at just 475 calories per serving. Great if you’re trying to impress a friend or your trainer with your healthy eating. It’s a very light meal with fresh lemon and lots of yummy ingredients. It would also be perfect for lunch the next day.

The recipe uses chopped lettuce, kale and spinach, bell peppers and red onions for crunch, baby tomatoes for sweetness and a tasty dressing to bring it all together.

Get the recipe here.

4. Mexican Grilled Salon Salad with Avocado Greek Yogurt ranch Dressing

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (5)

Salmon salads are great for fat loss. So light and fresh they motivate you to be good and stay on track. There’s something about them that makes you feel great. This salmon salad is so simple it’s great with Mexican-inspired flavors. It uses an Avocado dressing and you can get the recipe for that here. Personally, I’d skip this unless you really want to try it. There should be enough flavor from the salmon on its own unless you overcook it of course.

Get the recipe here.

5. Sheet Pan Chili Lime Salmon

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (6)

This is one of our favorite salmon recipes, sweet chili and lime with fajita flavors and peppers for sweetness. We usually add a load more green veg like broccoli for more nutritional value. We’ll put up our version soon. Just throw everything on one pan and cook. It’s a must-try. Use the salmon the next day over a salad for lunch.

Get the recipe here.

6. Pan Seared Teriyaki Salmon Stir Fry

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (7)

The first pan-fried salmon on our list! Stir fries are fun and easy to do, who doesn’t love stir fry. You have your seasonal greens, fresh ginger lots of delicious flavours and of course your protein-packed salmon. A serving has a nice 475 calories making you feel full and satisfied.

Get the recipe here.

7. Maple Glazed Salmon

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (8)

We are huge fans of Katie at Healthy Seasonal Recipes. In her recipe, she bakes the salmon and adds boiled cabbage and rice to round off this healthy salmon dish. It’s very easy to follow and of course it’s tasty!

Get the recipe here.

More tasty recipes for faster results

Remember you can add carbs to these but keep them within the clean eating rules. If you haven’t downloaded our free 7 day meal plan click here.

It comes with 7 full days worth of meals and accompanying recipes.

Get your diet plan here

Happy cooking.

Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (9)
Seven Low Carb Salmon Recipes For Weight Loss | HIIT WEEKLY (2024)
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