Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court (2024)

Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court (1)

A group of Pennsylvania prison inmates who claim they were savagely beaten and abused by guards while held in solitary confinement three years ago are due in court Monday on charges that they sparked a riot in their unit.

Authorities allege that in April 2010 six inmates at the State Correctional Institution (SCI) at Dallas provoked an uproar after they barricaded their cell doors and windows with bedding, forcing guards to forcibly remove the men, according to the police criminal complaint.

And yet the prisoners and their advocates claim they were simply staging a peaceful protest they say was designed to draw attention to rampant abuses and deplorable conditions in the security housing unit — from food deprivation to medical neglect.

Advocates for the inmates say prison guards responded to the protest with horrific violence.

"The guards put on their riot gear, and they tear-gassed the guys, they beat them with batons, they electro-shocked them, they tasered them, they pepper-sprayed them," Shandre Delaney, the mother of inmate Carrington Keys, told NBC News.

When reached for comment, SCI Dallas spokeswoman Robin Lucas said: "Our response is that we do not comment on matters of litigation." A representative for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections did not return request for comment.

According to the complaint, a person is guilty of rioting "if he participates with two or more others in a course of disorderly conduct with the intent to coerce official action."

For the last three years, Delaney and a small but vocal group of activists have called on county officials to drop the rioting charges, which they say are unfounded. All the while, the prisoners — Derrick Stanley, Anthony Locke, Andre Jacobs, Duane Peters and Keys — have remained in solitary confinement at facilities scattered across Pennsylvania. A sixth inmate, Anthony Kelly, accepted a plea deal and was released from prison.

As legal proceedings begin Monday, advocates for the so-called "Dallas Five" say the trial could become a crucible in the wider debate over solitary confinement, which supporters defend as an essential management tool and opponents decry as a practice tantamount to torture.

"I hope it sheds light on what actually goes on in these units," said Bret Grote, an activist with the Pennsylvania-based Human Rights Coalition who has advocated for the inmates. "It's a story that needs to be told."

An invisible population

In 1842, Charles Dickens visited the Eastern Penitentiary, just outside Philadelphia, a sprawling complex where, he said, "the system ... is rigid, strict and hopeless solitary confinement."

Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court (2)

In a travelogue published in the fall of that year, he wrote: "I believe that very few men are capable of estimating the immense amount of torture and agony which this dreadful punishment, prolonged for years, inflicts upon the sufferers."

Nearly two centuries later, the Dallas Five allege they endured inhumane and cruel treatment at a prison just two hours north of the now-defunct Eastern Penitentiary. Their allegations may not be representative of all convicts in "the hole" — but they are nonetheless part of a fast-growing population that lives in the shadows of popular consciousness.

At least 80,000 people doing hard time are held in "restricted housing" facilities every day in America, according to David Fathi, the director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Prison Project.

"Tens of thousands of prisoners are being locked alone in a cell for up to 24 hours a day, every day, with extremely limited human contact, social interaction or environmental stimulation," Fathi said. "No windows, no natural light — all behind a solid steel door."

A hot-button issue

Many prison officials who support "administrative segregation" measures say solitary confinement helps stem the tide of vicious gang violence and wanton misconduct in prisons across the country.

But scores of advocacy groups opposed to the practice charge that it is commensurate with torture under international law.

"It's incredibly harmful to physical health, and it's incredibly harmful to mental health," Fathi said, adding that inmates held in isolation for years on end run the risk of chronic depression, self-mutilation, decreased brain function, hallucinations, revenge fantasies — and in some cases suicide.

The number of convicts in solitary has exploded in the last quarter-century due to a spike in stringent sentencing policies and the "overcriminalization" of historically low-priority offenses, according to the ACLU. Prisoners can be sent to solitary for as little as a day or as much as two decades.

Fathi said many inmates are sent to "the hole" for a wide range of reasons — from serious offenses like attacking a fellow convict to relatively minor transgressions that many critics deem arbitrary.

"It's really shocking how trivial some of the offenses are that land someone in solitary," Fathi said. "You could be sent there because you have too many postage stamps or because you have prescription medication that has expired. The most trivial things imaginable have landed people in this extremely harsh and punitive environment."

He added: "Just because you're in solitary doesn't mean you've done something serious."

A recent lawsuit in New Mexico claims that officials kept a 73-year-old grandmother in solitary confinement for close to five weeks — and deprived her of cancer medication, according to the Associated Press.

The woman, Carol Lester, was sent to solitary at New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility after she complained to legislators about her medication, the wire service reported.

Disturbing allegations

Advocates for the Dallas Five say they hope that when proceedings get underway at the Luzerne County Courthouse in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on Monday, the truth about the inmates will finally be known.

Delaney and Grote, speaking on behalf of the inmates, said that guards at SCI Dallas initially targeted the six inmates after they voiced complaints about conditions in solitary to the Human Rights Coalition, which published a comprehensive report that identified the prisoners by name.

In response to allegedly rampant mistreatment — including food deprivation, mail destruction, beatings, medical neglect and various other abuses — the six inmates decided to cover their cell windows with bedding in order to draw the attention of their counselors, state police, the District Attorney and the Public Defender's Office, according to Grote.

Advocates for the inmates allege that corrections officers responded to the barricade by "viciously attacking them with electro-shock shields, tazers, fists and pepper-spray," according to a release from the Human Rights Coalition, which has called for the abolition of solitary confinement in Pennsylvania.

Following the alleged attack, most of the group of six were transferred to other prisons. And in August 2010, the county brought criminal rioting charges against them, Grote said.

When reached for comment a week before the trial was set to begin, a representative forLuzerne County District Attorney Stefanie J. Salavantis said she was not available.

Delaney said that she hopes the trial launches a popular discussion about the potential for abuses in solitary confinement in penal institutions across the country.

"The public is going to get a chance to see what's really going on," she said. "A lot of people just think that you put people in prison and you throw away the key, and whatever people want to do to them while they're in there is okay. But it’s not okay."

Grote said the stakes are high for the defendants.

"We hope for an acquittal," Grote said. "A guilty verdict threatens to criminalize anyone who tries to speak out against their own degradation and abuse."


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Daniel Arkin, Staff Writer, NBC News

Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court (2024)


Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court? ›

Pennsylvania solitary confinement inmates charged with rioting due in court. A group of Pennsylvania prison inmates who claim they were savagely beaten and abused by guards while held in solitary confinement three years ago are due in court Monday on charges that they sparked a riot in their unit.

What is the PA doc class action lawsuit? ›

PA DOC. People incarcerated at six prisons across Pennsylvania filed this federal class action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of solitary confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, and seeking relief and damages.

What crimes warrant solitary confinement? ›

A: Prisoners can be placed in isolation for many reasons, from serious infractions, such as fighting with another inmate, to minor ones, like talking back to a guard or getting caught with a pack of cigarettes. Other times, prisoners are thrown into solitary confinement for not breaking any rules at all.

What was the idea behind the penitentiary that was opened by the Quakers in Pennsylvania? ›

In the late 18th century, Quakers in Pennsylvania sentenced criminals to solitary confinement at the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia in the belief that removing them from the evil influences of society would help rehabilitate them—“a noble experiment that was an absolute catastrophe,” according to Stuart Grassian, a ...

Why were prisoners kept in solitary cells in the Pennsylvania system? ›

A group of Quakers formed the Pennsylvania Prison Society which lobbied for these reforms. They were instrumental in Pennsylvania creating a separate system whereby those who were jailed were kept in isolation so they could reflect on their misdeeds in hopes of reformation.

What are the violations of solitary confinement? ›

The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, also called the Nelson Mandela Rules, prohibit solitary confinement of more than 15 consecutive days. They also prohibit the use of solitary confinement for people with mental and physical disabilities.

How long can someone be in solitary confinement? ›

Solitary confinement is detaining an individual in a closed cell by isolating them for 22-24 hours a day. The individual is isolated from human contact and can be held for periods of time ranging from days to years and nearly every state uses the practice of solitary confinement.

What is the PA Rule 1714? ›

Discontinuance (a) No class action shall be compromised, settled or discontinued without the approval of the court after hearing.

How do I know if I am part of a class action lawsuit? ›

You will receive a notice in the mail or email if you are an eligible class member. The notice will provide a detailed description of the lawsuit and all your available options. In most cases, eligible class members join the litigation automatically and do not have to take any action.

Can you be sentenced to solitary confinement? ›

1 Today, prison administrators place thousands of American prisoners in long-term solitary confinement2 despite the fact that such placement is authorized neither by penal statute nor by judicial sentence.

What has the Supreme Court said about solitary confinement? ›

The court below in a 2-1 opinion, over a dissent by Judge Haynes, held that solitary confinement cannot violate the Eighth Amendment, no matter how long it is imposed for, its impact on a prisoner's mental and physical health, or the rationale for imposing it.

Does solitary confinement violate the 8th Amendment? ›

The Eighth Amendment of the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. The Supreme Court has held that this standard can be applied to prison conditions, including solitary confinement. However, with one exception, no court has found that solitary confinement violates the Eighth Amendment.

Do Quakers believe in Jesus? ›

Quakers seek to experience God directly, within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us. Quakerism is a way of life, rather than a set of beliefs. It has roots in Christianity and many Quakers find the life and teachings of Jesus inspirational, but we have no creed.

Do Quakers drink alcohol? ›

Quakers are not forbidden from using alcohol or tobacco (although these substances are banned from Quaker Meeting Houses), but most Quakers avoid them, or consume them moderately. Many Quakers took an active role in the Temperance Movement of Victorian times.

What's the difference between Amish and Quakers? ›

All Amish identify as Christians and regard the Bible as the word of God. On the other hand, Quakers practice "the inner light," which emphasizes the importance of following one's conscience and intuition. Not all Quakers identify as Christians. Some see themselves as members of a universal religion.

How do you use the bathroom in solitary confinement? ›

Isolation cells also include a toilet and shower; prisoners typically hang a curtain to separate the toilet and shower area from the rest of the cell. The cell usually has an iron door, which includes an opening at its lower part, through which guards insert food trays.

What state uses solitary confinement the most? ›

Nevada topped all other states at nearly 26%. The report was put together by Solitary Watch, a nonprofit watchdog group, and Unlock the Box, a campaign advocating for the end to solitary confinement. They called it a first-of-its-kind analysis that compiled data on solitary in jails and prisons across the U.S.

What are 2 reasons for placing an inmate in solitary confinement? ›

Segregation, the inmates behavior requires that he be placed in a position that restricts his contact with other inmates and staff. Medical isolation, where the inmate has a contagious disease. Protective custody where the inmate has had his physical safety threatened and the threat has been deemed valid.

What mental illness does solitary confinement cause? ›

Grassian,16 during his evaluation of over 200 patients, noted specific psychiatric symptoms consistently among inmates in solitary confinement, both in state and federal penitentiaries, including (1) hyperresponsivity to external stimuli, (2) perceptual distortions like illusions and hallucinations, (3) panic attacks, ...

How long does it take for solitary confinement to traumatize a person? ›

The BJS report that approximately 25% of people in prison and 35% of those in jail who had spent 30 days or longer in solitary confinement during the previous year had symptoms of serious psychological distress. The rates were similar for those who only spent 1 day in isolation. Humans require social contact.

What do prisoners in solitary do all day? ›

They eat, sleep, meditate, study and exercise just inches away from where they defecate. One prisoner, an avid reader we will call Scholar, spoke to us nine months into his stay in solitary confinement. “All human privileges are gone; they treat you like a dog.

What does 23 and 1 mean in jail? ›

It's called “23 and 1” because you spend 23 hours alone in your cell, with one hour to take a shower or make a phone call, if allowed.

Can prisoners shower in solitary confinement? ›

Exercise usually takes place alone in an exercise room or a fenced or walled “dog run.” Some individuals in solitary are escorted, usually in shackles, to the shower, while others have showers within their cells. They may or may not be allowed to leave their cells for visits or to make telephone calls.

Can you be sentenced to life in solitary confinement? ›

Many countries use prolonged periods of solitary confinement or semi-isolation for those serving a life sentence, often separating them from the rest of the prison population for the entirety of their sentence.

How many people do you need for a class action lawsuit in Pennsylvania? ›

There is no exact amount of people needed to file a class action lawsuit. One individual can file a lawsuit on behalf on an entire group.

How does a class action lawsuit pay? ›

How Is a Class Action Lawsuit Paid Out? If your class action lawsuit is successful, you will receive a portion of the settlement or court award. Plaintiffs are paid by a lump-sum payment or a structured settlement. Smaller payouts are usually dispersed as a single payment.

Should I participate in a class action lawsuit? ›

Is It Worth It to Join a Class Action Lawsuit? This depends on the facts of your individual case. You might benefit from becoming a lead plaintiff in a highly important case that causes policy changes in the future. Or, you might end up as one of many plaintiffs, contributing to the greater uniformity of the claim.

Is class action lawsuit real? ›

A class action, also known as a class action lawsuit, class suit, or representative action, is a type of lawsuit where one of the parties is a group of people who are represented collectively by a member or members of that group.

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