Afterlands Guide - The Fast Way (2025)

As you might've guessed, this guide is for people who want to be in and out of Afterlands as quickly as possible. I've focused on covering only the bare minimum so that everyone can go through the world with the right list in mind. This guide is Perm Starter friendly (Beginner/Noblesse/Legend/Citizen/???).


Level 75+(received in the light bulb to the left of the screen in-game)
Assign your Harvest/NPC Chat button to Space Bar to be able to skip through the brown text boxes.

Beginning the Questline

When in Ellinia, walk off the ledge to the left and die.
(hold Space Bar)
When in Perion, rush up the mountain to the old man.
(hold Space Bar)
When in Henesys, kill Ribbon Pig.
(hold Space Bar)
When in Sleepywood, hold Space Bar.

Arriving at the Land of Beginnings

(hold Space Bar)
Hold the Down key and hold down regular Attack key to attack bush.
(hold Space Bar)

Land of Warriors

Forced fight: Exit through the portal. It's not necessary to fight all 3 waves and it is actually faster to proceed through the quest line because if you completed the waves, you would have to smack the chain to lower the sun.
(Perm Starter Option: Leave through portal (ain't no one got time to wait 30 minutes for a forced fight to finish).)
Kill Fashionable Balrog in monster map 2. Collect the key from the balrog. Do not say to use the key. Collect 30 shoulder pieces from balrogs(used later).
New day: go to second monster map and defeat 25 Mushroom Marauders and Battle Balrogs quickly to win control over the day.
(Perm Starter Option: Defeat 24 Mushroom Murauders and 25 Battle Balrogs. Farm Battle Balrogs for 30 Battle Balrog's Armor. Reset the map and prepare to deal a lot of damage to the last Mushroom Marauder as quickly as possible. If you do not win control over the day, you will have to wait for the RNG to roll 2 loot missions. The first one is for you to loot up to 29 items. The items do not disappear if you quit out of completing the mission. Cycle through the lands until there is another loot mission for you to get the last remaining item. If you're quick enough, this will guarentee you winning control over the day).
Move to next area.

Land of Riches

Collect at least 110 Food Baskets in 1st monster map.
Do Joel's quest "A Tasteful Favor" until you have 7 Delicious Pieces of Gold.
When up against the wall, hold the Down key and then the Right key to crawl through the hole. Talk to Mansa to give one of the Delicious Pieces of Gold (completing this will instantly trigger a transition to the next land).

Land of Contemplation

On arrival, hold Space Bar.
Travel to the 3rd monster map.
Kill 50 birds. Collect 9 Rampike branches(used later).
Back in normal area, hold Space Key. Rapidly tap left and right keys.
Talk to Adler, hold Space Bar. You receive a key. (1 key)
Move to next area.

Land of Innocense

Collect 30 Tasty Treats in 1st monster map. Collect 1 Magic Eyepatch in 1st monster map(used later). Collect 30 bunny toys in 3rd monster map.
When stormy, go to first monster map to get the key in the tree. (2 keys)
Once Billy has a quest light bulb, click on the girl named Lonnie who's standing next to the swing set.
(hold Space Bar). You receive a key. (3 keys)
After completing swing girl, click repeatedly on Silent Boy to the far right corner and hold enter key. You receive a key. (4 keys)
Take Billy's quest and go into the 1st map to collect color balls from monsters.
Buy Teddy from Lauren(used later).
EAT THE COOKIES!(make it rain)
Move to next area.

Land of Warriors

Hold the Down key and hold down regular Attack key to attack wheel.
Take mage's quest: use 3 Delicious Pieces of Gold and talk to her to receive a key. (5 keys)
Go to 2nd monster map and kill both Mushroom Marauders and Balrogs and then return to normal area.
(hold Space Bar)
Revert day back into night.
Move to next area.

Land of Riches

Eliminate 100 Treasure Moustrosities for Joel.
When up against the wall hold down and then right. Press NPC Chat/Harvest key when next to Treasure Chest and bring it over to Joel and release it next to him with the same key.
Tell Ben that you'll convince Mansa.
Talk to Mansa for the quest called Big Man Off-campus. Use the remaining 3 Delicious Pieces of Gold for this and regular attack the wall you come in from. A counter will show up counting every hit up to 5 times.
Have your character close to Ben and press Space Bar and move him to his designated spot.
Have your character close to Ben's Treasure Chest and press Space Bar and move it to its designated spot.
Move to next area.

Land of Contemplation

Take Nameless Soul's quest: Kill loud bird monster in 3rd monster map to receive a key. (6 keys)
Move to next area.

Land of Innocense

Collect color balls again for Billy. Tell Billy about the Land of Contemplation. Collect more color balls.(instantly transitions to Land of Contemplation).

Land of Contemplation

Take Adler's quest: place branches in the 3 designated areas 1 at a time(3 branches per area).
Be on the right side of the statue that is on the bench and click on the bench.(hold Space Bar)
Kill Yellow Mage.
(hold Space Bar). You receive a key. (7 keys)
Move to next area.

Land of Innocense

Take Tina's quests: hunt monsters for her diary. She will abandon the diary and it will be sent to your Use inventory. Double click on the diary - because you kept the fashionable balrog's key, the book will open instantly (and if you didn't keep the key, it would take at least three times to force the book to open) - to receive a key. Teddy is given to her. Conclude all her quests. (8 keys)
EAT THE COOKIES!(make it rain).
Move to next area.

Land of Warriors

Hold the Down key and hold down regular Attack key to attack wheel to make it day time.
(optional: if Beodog has a quest for you concerning his sword, you will give him the 30 shoulder pieces)
Move to next area.

Land of Riches

Talk to Mansa and grab the key from puke pile. (9 keys)
Click on the sack of gold hanging on the far top right wall in the castle (pick second option when deciding to give gold back).
Move to next area.

Land of Contemplation

Move to next area.

Land of Innocense

Move to next area.

Land of Warriors

Click on the statue with the spear. Ask about the statue from Edgar Tetch. Click on the statue and hold down the Enter key(if done right, a rose will replace the spear).
Move to next area.

Land of Riches

Speak with Horemheb (hold Enter key) to receive a key. (10 keys)
Head through portal to the far left of the area. Talk to the old man (hold Enter key). Go to the far right side of the map and hold the Down key and hold down regular Attack key to attack the hilly mass of rock until an item can be collected. Give the rock to the old man and wait 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes are up, you are given ONE CHANCE to PERMANANTLY CHANGE what YOUR TOMBSTONE will be. There's Gold, Silver, and Bronze. There are no repercussions for choosing any single one(this quest is just for a cosmetic change). When your character happens to die, you will get to see your new tombstone. You will receive a key. (11 keys)
Leave the map with the old man in it and re-enter the same map. Talk to the old man (hold Enter key). You will be transported to the top of the clouds where you must regular Attack 5 tombstones to fall through the clouds. Speak with the old man again (hold Enter key). You will receive the last key. (12 keys)
Move to the Land of Beginnings.

Land of Beginnings

Click on all 12 locks. If they refuse to open, try clicking on the shackle(the hook-like object going into the top of the lock).
Rewarded with 4 Totems.

Minor disclaimer: Unfortunately due to Nexon's latest patch, Delicious Piece of Gold cannot be used outside Afterlands.

Here's a video of me speedrunning through Afterlands.
Afterlands Guide - The Fast Way (1)

Afterlands Guide - The Fast Way (2025)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.